Max Heindel

+-----------------------------------------------+ | |Ke AL |Ve | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | | |As Su | | | |Mo Me | | | |HL Md | | | | | | | | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| | | |Ma GL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | |JuR |Sa Ra |Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+
+-----------------------------------------------+ |Me JuR |Ke | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |HL | |Ve Gk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Navamsa | | |-----------| |-----------| | | D-9 |Ma | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Md |As |Mo Sa |Su AL | | | |Ra GL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+
Yoga Varga Yoga givers
Results ascribed to yoga
Brief definition of yoga
Sasa D-1 Sa
Wandering leader of free spirit
Saturn in a kendra in moolatrikona or own or exaltation sign
Vesi D-1 Ma
Balanced, truthful and happy
Planets other than Moon in 2nd from Sun
Nipuna (Budha-Aditya) D-1 Su, Me
Skillful, expert, well-known and respected
Sun and Mercury together or in mutual 7ths
Sunaphaa D-1 Ma
Intelligent, wealthy and famous
Planets other than Sun in 2nd from Moon
Paasa D-1 Naabhasa yoga – throughout life
Talkative, characterless, may be imprisoned
Seven planets in 5 rasis
Kaahala D-1 Ve, Ju
Strong, bold, cunning, leads a large army
Jupiter and 4th lord in mutual kendras, strong lagna lord
Sankha D-1 Ma, Ju
Wealth, good spouse and children, kind, pious, intelligent, long-lived
The 5th and 6th lords in mutual kendras, strong lagna lord
Mridanga D-1 Mo, Sa
King or an equal and happy
Planets in own/exaltation sign in kendras/konas and strong lagna lord
Kalpadruma/Parijata D-1 Mo, Mo, Mo, Ve
King, principled, warrior, prosperous, strong, kind
Lagna lord, his disposior, latter’s rasi & navamsa dispositors are all in own/exaltation sign or kendra/kona
Pushkala D-1 Mo, Mo, Mo
Eloquent, wealthy, famous, respected by kings
Lagna lord and Moon together, their dispositor in a kendra or own/adhimitra sign, lagna occupied
Brahma (2) D-1 Ju, Ve, Me
Happy, learned, blessed with wealth and children
Jupiter, Venus, Mercury in kendras from 9th lord, 11th lord, 1st/10th lord (respectively)
Rajayoga D-1 Ve, Ju
Successful and high achievements
Conjunction, aspect or exchange of kendra/kona lords
Yogakaraka D-1 Ma
Success and achievements
Same planet owns a kendra and a kona
Raja (AK-PK) D-1 Me, Mo
Loyal following and power
Atma karaka and putra karaka together or in 1st/5th
Maha Yogada D-1 Su
Power, authority and wealth
Associated with lagna, GL and HL (by aspect, conjunction or ownership)
Yogada (HL) D-1 Mo
Wealth and prosperity
Associated with lagna and HL (by aspect, conjunction or ownership)
Yogada (HL) D-1 Me
Wealth and prosperity
Associated with lagna and HL (by aspect, conjunction or ownership)
Yogada (HL) D-1 Ju
Wealth and prosperity
Associated with lagna and HL (by aspect, conjunction or ownership)
Yogada (HL) D-1 Ve
Wealth and prosperity
Associated with lagna and HL (by aspect, conjunction or ownership)
Rajayoga D-1 Me, Ju
Successful and high achivements
Atma karaka and 9th lord in lagna, 5th or 7th
Raja Sambandha D-1 Ju
A famous minister
Amatya karaka in a kona
Raja Sambandha D-1 Me, Ju
An associate liked by a king
Amatya karaka in a kendra/kona from atma karaka
Dhana D-1 Mo, Me, Ju
Very rich
Moon in Cn lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mercury, Jupiter